The baby born with 4 legs

 The baby born with 4 legs and 2 prosperous thorns after risky surgery removes two extra limbsDeborah Hastings, Interior Edition 13 hours agoThe infant life of Baby Dominique is now forever changed. 

She was born in Côte d'Ivoire, with four legs and two thorns, the result of a twin who died in the uterus and was absorbed by Dominique's body.Read: Twins Separated Spouses Say Hello for the first time since the 17-hour surgeryAt 10 months, after fleeing nearly 9,000 miles, the child underwent a massive and risky surgery to remove two of the extra limbs, which arise from his neck and weigh on his thorns and overtax his heart and lungs, doctors Have saidAfter more than six hours of surgery at the Children's Defense Hospital in Illinois, Dominica sits up, laughing and on her way to a better future."She's great," a Nancy Swabb statement to on Tuesday, while Dominique lamented in the background. "She's very well."Dominic, apparently a little hungry, stopped abruptly when Swabb gave him a bottle.The baby arrived in Chicago in February, thanks to the Ohio Medical Mission for Children West mission, for cosmetic surgery and a medical team of 50 people, plastic surgeons, nurses and technicians.The non-profit group provides life-changing surgeries to needy children around the globe.Swabb did not hear about the group before seeing a Dominican Facebook.Swabb "saw a picture of little Dominic and her mother" in Abidjan, and that was all.Application and letters of recommendation. Her husband felt like her. Dominique was in their arms.The couple had two adopted children, aged 9 and 15, and had already undergone detailed background checks, Swabb said."It's really an amazing story about trust and hope," she said. "We are helping another family, he is living on a different continent."Dominique's parents and parents. As soon as possible, she is able to return to her family, accompanied on the long flight home by an escort.Read: The youngest twins separated at only 8 days of ageSurgeons have left both spines intact parquet floors seeming to work, said Swabb. "She has total mobility." She does what she wants to do. "She moves her toes and her fingers."The baby, who has grown two teeth and tame since arriving in America, can head for Africa as early as next month."It must be incredibly difficult for his mother, being separated from her baby for two months," said Swabb.But when it comes time, saying goodbye to Dominique is not going to be easy for the host mother."I dread it," said Swabb ...


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